
Es werden Posts vom Mai, 2019 angezeigt.


Ghost Chart – NorthmanTrader As already mentioned last week, markets show a bizarre behaviour, tripple top in the Dow Jones Industrial and the SNP500 and precious metals losing more and more ground while Central Banks purchases in gold ounces are on record high. However if Central Banks will stop to short gold Futures,  you'll see prices to increase rapidly in gold. There is no doubt about it. And the meltdown could come with Deutsche Bank falling below $6,40/5,70€ causing a bloodbath in DB stocks due to a possible sell-off at this point following a loss of faith into the bank. Thus then will cause a financial tsunami, since Deutsche has one of the worlds largest numbers of derivatives in its books. So if one will lose faith into DB and start to sell it, others could follow. Once again, DB is trading near its record low at 6,58€. So make sure  you are hedged, when the music stops playing.


Even though all markets turned back into green territory after Trump tweeted trade talks are constructive, investors should be very carefull. There are more signs of a correction. Dow Jones Industrial and the SNP just made a new top this week – a fresh tripple top. And this is usually followed by a sharp correction. However at the worst point markets erased already $2 trillion for the week in market capitalization. Indeed a crazy time for investors and something thats shows very well, how fast it could come down, within short. Thus investors should be wary. Stay in equities but make sure your are hedged while participating in equity markets. And once again don´t use ETFs, since those products are much more risky than usually known and mentioned by your advisors. Of course the Banker will never tell you the truth  about the risk since the Bank wants him to sell its products. He/She are in a trap to follow the Banks advise and to sell the stuff no matter what is the

"Sell in May and Go Away" hat begonnen! Trump löst Börsenrutsch aus.

Wie bereits mehrfach in den letzten Tagen erwähnt, sind die Märkte erneut massiv überkauft. Erkennbar am RSI von über 80 und an der extrem tiefen Volatilität von aktuell 14 im Dax. Im Tief lagen wir am 23. April bei 12. Allzeittief liegt im Dax bei 10, Allzeithoch bei 44 im Dax. Das Problem, viele Großinvestoren handeln seit einigen Jahren den VDAX und andere Volatilitäts Indizes. Im konkreten Fall wurde der Index erneut brutal geshortet/ leerverkauft, um ihn nun deutlich billiger zurückzukaufen. Der VDAX repräsentiert die Volatilität oder Schwankungsbreite im Index und somit Unsicherheit oder Angst der Investoren. Je tiefer der Indexwert, desto geringer die Angst vor Korrekturen im Markt. Und gegenwärtig fühlen sich alle wieder extrem sicher. Logisch, alle Indizes weltweit befinden sich seit Jahresbeginn deutlich im Plus, manche wie der Nasdaq gar 26%. Der Dax liegt aktuell rund 20% vorne, wobei der reine Kursindex, also ohne Dividenden, immer noch unter seine